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Materials Science & Development | Bed Liner Business

Nov 20, 2013 #744907 Dallas, Texas

I know some of the issues my dad had with starting a bed liner business involved franchise and equipment primarily. The biggest issue seemed to be how to compete with Ultimate, Line-X, and RHino Lining polyurea hybrid materials. THe equipment is really expensive and the return on investment was over 2 years. The contracts the Line-X wanted us to sign pretty much had us giving up all of our rights to free enterprise once in a franchise. If he left the franchise we would not be able to compete locally. We had restrictions on material minimums without penalties. This kind of *** got my dad thinking this was all a scam. So, we just went with a high end polyurethane and a hopper gun system. Yeah, we had some complaints about set time and vertical running in the beginning, but once we tweaked everything, the complaints stopped. So, now we are happy that we are NOT in a franchise scenario with anyone. And if you think the RHino Linings does not hold you back because of no franchise agreement, you are incorrect. Always read the fine print. Don't get scammed.


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