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10 Crazy Frugality Schemes That Just Might Work

Have you ever heard someone's money-saving trick and thought it sounded absolutely insane? There are plenty of strange ways to save a buck or two. What's really great, though, is when it actually works. Head over to our partner site Wise Bread for some crazy yet effective forms of penny pinching:

I've been called many things in my life. Some good, some not so good. But I can't say I've ever been called crazy when it comes to being frugal. So, as I'm not getting any younger, I thought it was time to bring out a list of 10 crazy frugal schemes and earn the sobriquet. Some of these plans are certainly more "out there" than others, but all are worth a try, I think. Put some of them to the test and let us know how you get on.
And, if you have some even crazier ideas, chime in. While I was writing this article, a friend of mine told me they sometimes skip buying lunch and eat free samples from the grocery stores. It may save a few bucks, but that’s not my style. Anyway, on with the list.
Read on for more.
  1. Stop Buying Groceries
  2. Well, not forever, and this is not a suggestion that you steal your groceries, either.
    The basic idea behind this one is to stop buying until you've used every item in your pantry, fridge, and freezer. We all overstock our cupboards and throw away food that has gone off because we just couldn't get to it in time. Or we've put it at the back of the fridge and forgotten all about it. So, commit to using everything you have. It will take some serious creativity at times, but, depending on the depth of your larder, you might go two or three weeks without having to do a big shop. Eggs, milk, and bread may need to be purchased, but everything else you forage out of your pantry.
  3. Dumpster Dive For Dinner

  4. I hesitate to call this one crazy; I personally think it's both logical and smart. But the idea of digging around in dumpsters for the groceries seems plain nuts to some people. However,freegans would seriously disagree. They regularly find completely edible food in the dumpsters of local supermarkets, which has all been thrown away due to sell by dates or imperfections. Fresh fruit that isn't perfect gets dumped, as well as baked goods that aren't 100 percent fresh. It's a shame that so many people are starving in this world, and yet so much perfectly edible food is thrown away daily.
  5. Use a Bathroom That Isn't Your Own
  6. If you have a gym membership, then you should take full advantage of it. And that includes using their showers and bathrooms.
    Go to the gym in the morning, and after your workout, take the long, hot shower you were going to take at home. Use their bathrooms, and thus, their water. At work, use the bathroom just before you leave. Out and about, pop into public restrooms before you come home. It may seem absolutely bonkers, but it can save you hundreds of dollars every year in water and heating costs.
  7. Buy Smaller Plates
  8. The size of the average dinner plate has grown considerably over the years. This is partly due to restaurants upping the ante and dishing out larger and larger portions of food. Now, we do the same at home. And the bigger the plates, the more food we get through in a sitting. It’s not just bad for our wallets; it's bad for our waistlines. So, put the big plates in the basement and eat meals from smaller plates — the ones you usually serve appetizers on. You'll be amazed at the leftovers you'll have.
  9. Reuse Disposable Items

  10. Disposable items don't disintegrate. You can reuse an awful lot of them.
    Aluminum foil, ziploc bags, tissue paper, gift bags, takeout containers, swim diapers, tissue boxes, egg cartons, and even laundry detergent caps can be used multiple times. There are even ways to reuse disposable cameras and camcorders, if you have the time and patience. Reuse these items you would normally throw away, and over time you'll see significant savings.
  11. Stretch Laundry Days
  12. My mother was laundry crazy when I was growing up. If I took off a pair of jeans or shorts, they were instantly put in the wash. Sweaters were washed as soon as they were removed. Shirts, jackets, you name it — one wear was all anything ever got. But there is no reason to wash every single item after every use. For instance, jeans can easily go three or four uses, if they're in a good rotation with other jeans (I have way too many pairs). Sweaters? Well, you have a t-shirt between it and your skin. Jackets should really only be washed when they get dirty or smelly. And even t-shirts can be saved with a good spritz of fabric refresher. Underwear? Now that's a different story.
  13. Avoid Your Spendthrift Friends

  14. While it may seem a little heartless, we all know people who are very carefree when it comes to money. I've heard things like "credit cards are free money" and "why save when you could be dead tomorrow?"
    Well, that may work for them (doubtful), but when you're with them, you will be tempted to spend more than you usually would. So, unless your willpower is concrete, try to avoid your less frugal friends when you know it could lead to wasteful spending of your own.
  15. Negotiate For Almost Everything

  16. So, you obviously can't haggle the price of a can of beans at your local supermarket or the price of gas when you fill up. But use your common sense. From big-box retailers and car dealerships to farmers markets and Craigslist sellers, there is usually some wiggle room in the "for sale" price. But like the old adage goes, you don't get it if you don't ask. And the more you do it, the better you'll get at getting it.
  17. Stop Making Lefthand Turns

  18. Don't take my word for it. This comes straight from the people who know a thing or two about making trips on America's roads: UPS.
    United Parcel realized that having 95,000 of its trucks idling in the left lane was wasting a ton of time and gas. So, they employed a system called "package flow," which drastically reduces the number of lefthand turns a driver has to make. It saved UPS over three million gallons of gas. Now, analyze your trip to work or the route you take to go grocery shopping. Can you avoid many of those lefthand turns? It may save you a few bucks.
  19. Convert Costs to Your Hourly Wage

  20. This is one my lovely wife told me about recently, and since I discovered it, I have completely changed my spending paradigm. It works like this. Let's say you want to buy a new jacket. That jacket costs $100. You earn $15 per hour, but that's gross pay. So net pay, after taxes, you earn maybe $10 per hour that actually goes in your pocket.
    In real terms, it would take 10 hours to earn the $100 you need to buy that jacket. Is the jacket worth 10 hours of labor? Ten hours of construction work? Ten hours of taking orders, answering phones, client meetings, or whatever else you do for a living? If you think so, then go ahead. But you may find that you just don't think it's worth the time. It works on anything, from a car to a cup of coffee. Do you want to work 30 minutes to pay for that Starbucks buzz? Or a few minutes for the coffee you brew at home? It really is a shift in thinking.
What's your "so crazy it just might work" frugal living strategy?
— Paul Michael
Check out these other smart tips:


Employees Who Use Multiple Social Networks May Be Better Workers

Conventional wisdom typically tells us that when employees are on the job, they should stay away from distractions like Facebook. However, a new study from analytics company Evolv suggests that the more sites an employee uses, the better their job performance might be.
While the study didn't examine why, it did learn that hourly employees who used up to four social networks had better sales performance or got through more customer service calls than employees who used none. They also averaged 94 days at the company, versus 83 for those absent from social networks.
Now, the study didn't specify whether using the sites on the job improved performance, nor did it analyze whether using social networks made employees better at their job. Perhaps the internet savvy were more suited to positions like sales. Regardless of the interpretation, though, the broader takeaway is that while we may think of Facebook, Twitter and Google+ as time sinks, they may be helping us more than we know. Hit the link to read more.
Photo by marshillonline

Sell Your Used Stuff for Cash on Facebook for Hassle-Free, No-Fee Decluttering

We've shown you the best ways to make the most money from your unwanted crap, but one gold mine that's often overlooked is the one that millions of people use every day: Facebook.
Of course, you can use Facebook to pitch your unwanted stuff to the friends and family members that you're already Facebook friends with, but that limits your audience significantly when compared to a site like Craigslist or Amazon Marketplace. Instead, look for Facebook sale groups in your area (just search for your state or region and the word "sell" or "buy" to find local buy/sell/trade groups. If there are none, you can always start one and get the word out in your community!) and join them. From there you can shop from people in your area, list your own items for sale, and set your own prices. You can even note whether you're willing to ship something, or—in the case of furniture or large electronics or appliances—whether you'd rather the buyer come pick it up.
The big benefit of using Facebook like this is that you set your price and there's no one taking a cut of your sale price or charging you to host your listing. You can set your own preferred method of payment, and you also have the opportunity to become part of a community where people are looking for bargains as much as others are looking to declutter their homes. Many of the groups are closed, so you'll have to ask permission to join, and others only accept certain types of listings, so make sure you read up on the group you want to join and their rules. Many have strict listing requirements and limits on how many items you can try to sell per day in order to stave off spammers and scam artists.
A number of you mentioned local Facebook groups when we talked about other ways to sell your stuff, and if you'd rather have a more personal approach to buying and selling—or you just want a new audience to reach out to beyond the same old Craigslist posts, they're definitely worth a try.

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